Patient Participation Group

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What we stand for

The Patient Participation Group is designed to help patients and practice staff to better understand each other and the workings of our own Medical Practice and for the purpose of carrying out the objectives set out in the mission statement.

If you are interested in joining our PPG please complete this form

Our PPG Officers are:

Rosie Chisnell

Graham Fothergill

Joy Hall

Mandy Preedy

David Wilkinson

How we are set up

The group meets monthly, alternately, at The Knebworth Surgery and The Marymead Surgery. Membership is open to all patients of The Knebworth and Marymead Medical Practice over the age of 18, is voluntary but does not confer any prior claims on the practice or any right to preferential treatment. Membership of the group will automatically cease in the event of a member leaving the area.

The group is run by, currently five Officers, of equal standing, but can continue on a minimum of two to a maximum of six. Any member of the group with a specific idea or request can offer it to the Officers and then if acceptable will be invited to Officer meetings to discuss the idea further and then form a task force with other members to pursue the matter.