
Looking After Someone

Information and support leaflet for Carers

Here at the Practice we hold monthly Carer’s Cafes, across both sites which we fondly invite all carers to attend if they wish too. This is a chance to meet other carers for an informal chat, over a coffee and a slice of cake.

If you would like to register as a carer please complete this form

Once you are registered as a carer, and we have your consent to send SMS, we can update you on regular events, like our Carers Cafe’s.

Carers UK

Carers UK provide information and advice for people who are looking after someone.

0808 808 7777

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Carers Benefits – GOV.UK

The Government website has a range of useful information for carers.

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Carers in Hertfordshire

Carers in Hertfordshire provides advice, information and support to unpaid carers – people looking after someone who is elderly, disabled, has a physical or mental illness or who misuses drugs or alcohol.

We support carers of all ages – children and adults – if they live, work or care in Hertfordshire. Our services are provided free to carers. 01992 58 69 69

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