The Practice Demographics are as follows:
Age range | Sex | Patient Count |
0-5 | Female | 402 |
13-19 | Female | 432 |
20-50 | Female | 2442 |
51-70 | Female | 1478 |
6-12 | Female | 468 |
71+ | Female | 887 |
0-5 | Male | 419 |
13-19 | Male | 463 |
20-50 | Male | 2395 |
51-70 | Male | 1509 |
6-12 | Male | 429 |
71+ | Male | 656 |
The Practice has reviewed the Patient demographics and selected the following Group. Of concern for the Practice was the patients we don’t see, i.e. the commuters’ and young adults. As part of the selection criteria for the Group every patient was contacted and asked to join the Group. The Practice has to be careful that the Group did not become one site PPG. In that the Knebworth Patients had a majority on the Group. Listed below is a breakdown of the PPG Committee.
The PPG demographics are:
Of the five Officers of the Group:
One female age 50
Four Males ranging from 43 – 70+
The breakdown is three Knebworth patients and two Marymead.
Two of the Officers are professional workers and part of the commuters,. Annex One to PPG Action Plan Practice Business Manager Nigel Sweeney
he Committee consist of a further 25 Patients.
Break down:
11 from Knebworth and 14 from Marymead
10 Females ranging from 30 to 74+
14 Males ranging from 35 to 65+
1 Gender Change – (Minority Group)
The only group to not be represented is the young adults. Efforts are being made by the Committee to attract this age Group onto the Committee.
In conclusion the Committee consist of representatives from both sites, split equally between female and males. We have a cross section from professional workers to mothers. The Practice has a high over 65+ Age range and these are represented by Committee members.
Part of the on going action plans of the Committee is to encourage more members to the Committee through further newsletters and continuous advertising in the Practice.